The Texas Memorial Museum - Tex Painting

The Texas Memorial Museum

The Texas Memorial Museum

Have you ever heard about the Texas Memorial Museum? Or you wish to know more about it in detail. If yes, stop right here because you are at the right place. Yes, here’s everything about The Texas Memorial Museum that you need to know.

The museum features some amazing gems, minerals, fossils, Texas wildlife and even dinosaurs and more.

texas memorial museum

The main aim of building Texas Memorial Museum was to create awareness and understanding and to preserve the present, past and future of biological diversity and wildlife. Its main mission is to inspire a long interest in science and culture. Moreover, The Texas Memorial Museum is situated in The University of Texas at Austin and it is open to the general public for touring purposes. It is located on the campus of the University of Texas on Trinity street. The museum is open for all every day except some public holidays, Christmas, New Year and other such festivals. The museum closes sometimes at some specific occasions like when they play football games. It was built on January 15 in 1930 and focuses mainly on the history of nature, Geology and biology.

Details of The Texas Memorial Museum

According to the report of National Science Center, there are 5000 specimens, and overall the museum is full of old things which can fill your entire day. It has four floors in all which are filled with different treasures and each and every floor has different types of treasure or each floor is specified accordingly. The exhibits are arranged in chronological order. The architecture of The Texas Memorial Museum is just so lovely. You’ll get to see various species of dinosaurs on the first floor and will get to learn about contemporary biological research on the last floor.

First Floor

On the first floor, in the hall of Geology and Paleontology, where dinosaurs are showcased, are fossils of over 500 dinosaurs and other such creatures. Also, you are allowed to touch those fossils of aquatic reptiles, sharks, onion creek mosasaur and all the fossils kept in the museum. Most important thing about these fossils is that they were collected in the area of Austin only.

Second Floor

Now coming to the second floor, Marvel at the suspended Texas pterosaur is displayed which was unearthed by the scientists of University of Texas.In the whole discovery till now, Pterosaur is the largest flying creature that is ever discovered. Basically, the second floor is filled with so many hanging dinosaurs of different species. The exhibition is full of dinosaurs on the second floor and it attracts more visitors. Also, various gems and minerals are also collected locally and displayed here.

Third Floor

Moving on to the third floor, it is filled with the wildlife of Texas. You’ll get to see a variety of native wildlife. It has different sections for different things. One section has various specimens of Texan fish, with multimedia displays and underwater photographs. It highlights the diversity, value and quality of these fish.

Fourth Floor

On the fourth floor, you’ll get to see biological evolutions of the earth. The fourth floor consists of different sections which explain about various interesting topics like the development of HIV. Overall, the fourth floor educates you on plenty of topics. The entry in the museum is absolutely free. If talking about the restaurant facility, the museum is surrounded by a lot of top-class eating places and restaurants. There is no dining facility inside the museum.


I guess these details of The Texas Memorial Museum are enough for you guys to make a visit to it. Yes, make sure to visit this museum if you wish to see a variety of antiques from Texas and around the area. Won’t it be amazing to see the preserved heritage of Texas? It’ll surely be. Make up your mind and do visit this great museum in Texas to see hanging skeletons of dinosaurs and other specimens of wildlife.

Overall, the Texas Memorial Museum is ancient, beautiful, and intriguing. It is built by some talented architects and took so much time in building it. The interior is informational, antique, and attractive.

So, hurry up!! This place is a must visit for everyone if you love exploring.

Tex Painting

1212 Guadalupe St.

Austin, TX 78701

(512) 318-2860

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