Painters Lakeway TX | House Painting | Commercial Painters

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Lakeway TX Painters

"Could not be happier with the work done by Tex Painting" - Paul (Google Review)

Offering On-Site & Remote Estimates.

At Tex Painting in Lakeway, we are committed to the safety and well being of our customers and team. Whether you prefer your estimate to take place on-site or remotely, we’re happy to provide you the best customer experience possible while respecting social distancing preferences and requirements. Your health and safety is our top priority. Schedule your estimate today and let our painters contribute to your peace of mind during this uncertain time.

Residential Painting

Looking to spruce up your Lakeway's home interior or exterior painting area? Tex Painting has the tools, expertise, and experienced painters to get the job done right.

Commercial Painting

From Multi-family communities to shopping centers in Lakeway TX, our painters at Tex Painting have done it all, and we've done it with quality and care.

Professional Residential & Commercial Painters

As one of the top Lakeway TX painting contractors, we can accommodate both large and small painting projects. We’ve even got an affordable program for small jobs like hallways, closets, and bathrooms. You’ll love the experience and work of our painters.

We’re easy to work with too. Whether you’re looking for your home to be painted or a commercial property painted our company, Tex Painting in Lakeway, will get the job done quickly with as little impact on your daily routine as possible. We work on consecutive days to ensure a timely completion of your painting job. We offer a nightly clean up and walk around to ensure 100% customer satisfaction upon completion.

Interior Painters Austin Tex Painting
Exterior Painting Austin Tex Painting

Where Quality Starts, and Service Never Ends

With over 15 years in the painting industry in both residential and commercial painting in Lakeway TX; we have built our business based upon experience, quality craftsmanship, attention to detail and an old-world work ethic. Our goal is your goal; 100% customer satisfaction and we take that commitment to you very seriously. Every day our painters strive to do what we say we are going to do. We provide extensive training for each of our professional painters; we include a written guarantee on every job.

Tex Lakeway House Painting's
Commitment to Excellence:

Expertise & Knowledge

We take the guesswork out of the painting process. Our experience is our greatest asset.

Unmatched Quality

We prepare each job site and use the right tools in order to create the longest lasting jobs in the industry.

Clean Work Site

Our painters believe a clean job site will yield the best possible results on each and every job.

Time is Precious

We will show up on time to our scheduled estimates, job site walk arounds and customer meetings. We appreciate the value of your time.

Price Commitment

Our pricing is honored from start to finish. We will not change our pricing at the completion of the job. There are no surprises.

Schedule a
FREE Estimate

Interior Painting

See Our Work

Exterior Painting

Schedule a FREE Estimate

If quality, value and peace of mind are important to you, call or click today for your free consultation. Hire the Lakeway Professionals at Tex Painting and our painters will help to transform your home or business.

Call  (512) 298-2050


What People
Are Saying

Our customer's kind words.


"Tex Painting did my entire office and they were half the price of the three other bids I got. They were in and out in a weekend. SUPER PRO. No one had to go home because of paint fumes, people in the way, etc."

David D.

South Austin

"We just had Tex Painting paint the exterior of our home and they did a fantastic job. We had stucco and cedar siding and trim and it looks great!!! The price was right too. I would recommend Tex Painting without hesitation."


Cedar Park

"All we had to do was meet with Tex Painting, get a quote, then schedule the job. Everyone I met with was extremely professional great to work with, they finished our interior in less than 2 days and did a fantastic job... "

Steely D.


Tex Painting's Process for Best-In-Class Results


Schedule Free Estimate

Schedule a Start Date

Begin Prep Work

We Complete the Painting Project

Clean Up & Walk Around

Project Completed On Time & On Budget

Financing Available

Tex Painting in Austin works with EnerBankUSA to offer the following programs for residents in Austin. Simply, click on the plan that is right for you and get started with your project today!

*Loans provided by EnerBank USA, Member FDIC, (1245 Brickyard Rd., Suite 600, Salt Lake City, UT 84106) on approved credit, for a limited time. Repayment terms vary from 24 to 132 months. Interest waived if repaid in 365 days. 17.99% fixed APR, effective as of February 1, 2020, subject to change. Interest starts accruing when the loan closes.

*Loans provided by EnerBank USA, Member FDIC, (1245 Brickyard Rd., Suite 600, Salt Lake City, UT 84106) on approved credit, for a limited time. Repayment term is 60 months. 4.99% fixed APR. Minimum loan amounts apply. The first monthly payment will be due 30 days after the loan closes.